Utility Rates

DPU 's utility rates are approved each year by City Council and are based on the cost of doing business, including operating and capital expenses as well as infrastructure improvements. These rates are effective July 1, 2024.

Water and wastewater customers are billed monthly. The bill includes a monthly service charge and volume charges for water and wastewater services.

Service charges for larger meters are billed at the same rate as larger meters serving commercial and industrial customers. To view these service charges, refer to the monthly service charges for commercial and industrial water customers.

The monthly service charge is a flat amount charged to the customer every month. Monthly service charges for water are based upon the meter size.

Monthly Service Charge Water Wastewater
5/8" Meter $16.70 $21.66
3/4" Meter $23.73 $30.90
Unmetered*   $80.48

*If water is not metered, then there will only be a flat charge for wastewater.

Volume charges are charges for each Ccf of water used by the customer. Volume charges for wastewater are the same regardless of the consumption.

Volume Charge Water Wastewater
Tier 1: Between 0 and 4 Ccfs (lifeline rate) $2.96 $9.03
Tier 2: Above 4 Ccfs $6.27 $9.03

How to calculate your monthly water utility costs.

(Current water rate) x (___ Ccfs of water used per month) = ___ + (base fee for size of meter) = Total Water Bill

Example: $2.96 x 4 Ccfs = $11.84 + $16.70 (5/8" Meter) = $28.54

If you use 6 Ccf of water in a one-month period, here's how your monthly water/wastewater bill is calculated:

Type of Charge Ccf Charge per Ccf Total
Total Water/Wastewater Bill     $116.92
Tier 1: Between 0 and 4 Ccfs 4 $2.96


Tier 2: Above 4 Ccfs 2 $6.27 $12.54
Monthly Service Base Charge for Water (5/8" Meter)     $16.70
Monthly Service Base Charge for Wastewater (5/8" Meter)     $21.66
Volume Charge for Wastewater 6 $9.03 $54.18

From March through November, when you may use water for watering lawns and gardens and for washing vehicles, your wastewater bills are adjusted because this water does not go through the wastewater treatment plant. We base your wastewater bill on whichever is less: the actual water used from March through November or the average monthly water usage billed during the preceding months of December through February.

Conservation Charges for Water

Supplemental water conservation pricing is used to encourage efficient water consumption to reduce negative impacts on the City's water supply during critical times in which water must be conserved. Conservation charges are effective during periods of voluntary and mandatory conservation and designed to help address the City's objectives to reduce the volume of water used by customers to combat reduced and constrained water supply resources. During these periods, once a customer exceeds a certain threshold of consumption additional charges will be applied for the excess usage.

For a water customer whose winter monthly consumption is 8 Ccf, he/she will be allowed to use 11 Ccf of water before experiencing different charges for excess usage. This is referred to as the conservation charge threshold and is based on 140% of the winter monthly consumption.

Below is an example of how to calculate the water bill for a customer who uses 20 Ccf during a voluntary conservation period. Note that this calculation is only for the water portion of the bill.

Figure used in Conservation Calculation Calculation Ccf
Winter Monthly Consumption   8
Conservation Charge Threshold 8 * 140% 11
Actual Monthly Consumption (during conservation period)   20
Consumption Subject to Conservation Rate 20 - 11 9
Type of Charge Ccf Charge per Ccf Total
Total Water Bill     $139.48
Monthly Base Fee     $16.70
Tier 1 Volumetric Rate (Per Ccf) 4 $2.96 $11.84
Tier 2 Volumetric Rate (Per Ccf) 7 $6.27 $43.89
Conservation Charge (Per Ccf) 9 $7.45 $67.05

For the same customer, the conservation rate charged during a mandatory conservation period will be calculated as shown below.

Figure used in Conservation Calculation Calculation Ccf
Winter Monthly Consumption   8
Conservation Charge Threshold 8 * 140% 11
Actual Monthly Consumption (during conservation period)   20
Consumption Subject to Conservation Rate 20 - 11 9
Type of Charge Ccf Charge per Ccf Total
Monthly Base Fee     $16.70
Tier 1 Volumetric Rate (Per Ccf) 4 $2.96 $11.84
Tier 2 Volumetric Rate (Per Ccf) 7 $6.27 $43.89
Conservation Charge (Per Ccf) 9 $9.94 $89.46
Total Water Bill     $161.89

Water and wastewater customers are billed monthly. The bill includes a monthly service charge and volume charges for water and wastewater services.

Service charges for larger meters are billed at the same rate as larger meters serving commercial and industrial customers. To view these service charges, refer to the monthly service charges for commercial and industrial water customers.

The monthly service charge is a flat amount charged to the customer every month. Monthly service charges for water are based upon the meter size.

Monthly Service Charge Water Wastewater
5/8" Meter $16.70 $21.66
3/4" Meter $23.73 $30.90
Unmetered*   $80.48

*If water is not metered, then there will only be a flat charge for wastewater.

Volume charges are charges for each Ccf of water used by the customer. Volume charges for wastewater are the same regardless of the consumption.

Volume Charge Water Wastewater
Any number of Ccfs $5.23 $9.03

How to calculate your monthly water utility costs.

(Current water rate) x (___ Ccfs of water used per month) = ___ + (base fee for size of meter) = Total Water Bill

Example: $5.23 x 6 Ccfs = $31.38 + $16.70 (5/8" Meter) = $48.08

If you use 6 Ccf of water in a one-month period, here's how your monthly water/wastewater bill is calculated:

Type of Charge Ccf Charge per Ccf Total
Total Water/Wastewater Bill     $123.49
Any Number of Ccfs 6 $5.23 $31.38
Monthly Service Base Charge for Water (5/8" Meter)     $16.70
Monthly Service Base Charge for Wastewater (5/8" Meter)     $21.23
Volume Charge for Wastewater 6 $9.03 $54.18

From March through November, when you may use water for watering lawns and gardens and for washing vehicles, your wastewater bills are adjusted because this water does not go through the wastewater treatment plant. We base your wastewater bill on whichever is less: the actual water used from March through November or the average monthly water usage billed during the preceding months of December through February.

Conservation Charges for Water

Supplemental water conservation pricing is used to encourage efficient water consumption to reduce negative impacts on the City's water supply during critical times in which water must be conserved. Conservation charges are effective during periods of voluntary and mandatory conservation and designed to help address the City's objectives to reduce the volume of water used by customers to combat reduced and constrained water supply resources. During these periods, once a customer exceeds a certain threshold of consumption additional charges will be applied for the excess usage.

For a water customer whose winter monthly consumption is 8 Ccf, he/she will be allowed to use 11 Ccf of water before experiencing different charges for excess usage. This is referred to as the conservation charge threshold and is based on 140% of the winter monthly consumption.

Below is an example of how to calculate the water bill for a customer who uses 20 Ccf during a voluntary conservation period. Note that this calculation is only for the water portion of the bill.

Figure used in Conservation Calculation Calculation Ccf
Winter Monthly Consumption   8
Conservation Charge Threshold 8 * 140% 11
Actual Monthly Consumption (during conservation period)   20
Consumption Subject to Conservation Rate 20 - 11 9
Type of Charge Ccf Charge per Ccf Total
Total Water Bill     $141.28
Monthly Base Fee     $16.70
Volumetric Rate (Per Ccf) 11 $5.23 $57.53
Conservation Charge (Per Ccf) 9 $7.45 $67.05

For the same customer, the conservation rate charged during a mandatory conservation period will be calculated as shown below.

Figure used in Conservation Calculation Calculation Ccf
Winter Monthly Consumption   8
Conservation Charge Threshold 8 * 140% 11
Actual Monthly Consumption (during conservation period)   20
Consumption Subject to Conservation Rate 20 - 11 9


Type of Charge Ccf Charge per Ccf Total
Total Water Bill     $163.69
Monthly Base Fee     $16.70
Volumetric Rate (Per Ccf) 11 $5.23 $57.53
Conservation Charge (Per Ccf) 9 $9.94 $89.46

Commercial and Industrial Water and Wastewater Rates

Monthly Service Charges

Meter Size Water Wastewater
5/8" Meter $16.70 $21.66
3/4" Meter $23.73 $30.90
1" Meter $37.77 $49.38
1-1/2" Meter $72.84 $95.62
2" Meter $114.94 $151.08
3" Meter $227.21 $298.99
4" Meter $353.50 $465.39
6" Meter $704.33 $927.58
8" Meter $1,125.33 $1,482.24
10" Meter $1,616.49 $2,129.35
12" Meter $3,708.43 $3,269.66

Volume Charges

Volume Charge Water Wastewater
Any number of Ccfs $5.23 $9.03

For an example of how a calculation would be done for a water and wastewater bill, please refer to the residential water and wastewater bill calculation.

Developed Residential Stormwater Rates*

Rates per Single Family Residential (SFR) parcel Per Month Cost Number of Properties
SFR parcels between 1 and 1,000 sq. ft. $3.23 4,097
SFR parcels between 1,001 and 2,000 sq. ft. $5.92 24,089
SFR parcels between 2,001 and 3,000 sq. ft. $9.62 11,533
SFR parcels between 3,001 and 4,000 sq. ft. $13.72 4,780
SFR parcels greater than 4,000 sq. ft. $19.90 6,202

Developed Non-Residential Stormwater Rates*

Rates per 1,000 square feet of impervious area Monthly Fee Quarterly Fee Annual Fee
Non-Single Family Residential (i.e., multifamily) properties $3.98 $11.94 $47.76
Non-Residential properties $3.98 $11.94 $47.76


Impervious Surface App  

* Updated data has been obtained to calculate the amount of impervious surface area for City properties.

Learn more about Impervious Surfaces Areas. 

Natural Gas Rates

Gas customers are billed monthly. The bill includes a monthly service charge, volume charges for gas used and applicable city utility tax. Gas usage is measured in Ccf which represents 100 cubic feet.

Residential Gas Rates

The following rates and charges shall apply for gas provided for residential purposes in individual residences, owner-occupied duplexes or nonprofit facilities that provide transitional housing for residential use on a regular basis by homeless persons.

The Monthly service charge is a flat amount charged to the customer every month. Currently, the monthly service charge is $16.38.

Distribution charges are charges for each Ccf of gas used by the customer. Currently, this charge is $0.668 per Ccf.

The purchased gas cost charge (PGC*) recovers only the cost of purchased gas. It is subject to monthly adjustments based solely on changes in the market price of gas. Currently, the PGC is $0.426 per Ccf of gas used within a month.

How to Calculate Your Bill

(Current gas distribution charge) x (___ Ccfs of gas used per month) = ___ 
+ (Current purchased gas cost charge) x (___ Ccfs of gas used per month) = ___
+ (monthly service charge) = Total Gas Bill

Here is how an estimated monthly gas bill would be calculated for a customer using 70 Ccf. Please note that these amounts are calculated before utility taxes are added.

Type of Charge Ccf Charge per Ccf Total
Total Gas Bill      $92.96
Monthly Service Charge     $16.38
Volume Charge 70 $0.668 $46.76
Purchased Gas Cost Charge 70



General Gas Rates

These rates apply to small and medium-size commercial customers.

The Monthly service charge is a flat amount charged to the customer every month. Currently, the monthly service charge is $19.16.

Volume charges are charges for each Ccf of gas used by the customer. Currently, this charge is $0.602  per Ccf.

The purchased gas cost charge (PGC) recovers only the cost of purchased gas. It is subject to adjustments based solely on changes in the market price of gas. Currently, the PGC is $0.426 per Ccf of gas used within a month.

How to Calculate Your Bill

(Current gas distribution charge) x (___ Ccfs of gas used per month) = ___ 
+ (Current purchased gas cost charge) x (___ Ccfs of gas used per month) = ___
+ (monthly service charge) = Total Gas Bill

Average monthly use for small to medium size commercial customers is about 333 Ccf.

Here is how an estimated monthly gas bill would be calculated for a customer using 333 Ccf. Please note that these amounts are calculated before utility taxes are added.

Type of Charge Ccf Charge per Ccf Total
Total Gas Bill     $361.49
Monthly Service Charge     $19.16
Volume Charge 333 $0.602 $200.47
Purchased Gas Cost Charge 333 $0.426 $141.86

Large Volume Gas Rates

Commercial customers who use less than 10,000 Ccf of gas per month.

The monthly service charge is a flat amount charged to the customer every month. Currently, the monthly service charge is $157.89

The monthly demand charge is equal to 1/20th of the highest monthly winter volume in Ccf times $1.62 per Ccf.

Distribution charges are charges for each Ccf of gas used by the customer. For each Ccf of gas used, the distribution charge is $0.357.

The purchased gas cost charge (PGC) recovers only the cost of purchased gas. It is subject to adjustments based solely on changes in the market price of gas. Currently, the PGC is $1.0556 per Ccf of gas used within a month.

For information on how your bill would be calculated, contact DPU at (804) 646-4646.

Commercial Gas Rates


Alternate Fuel

Propane $6.5032
#2 Oil $6.5032
#4 Oil $6.5032
#6 Oil $6.5032
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel $17.9195

Gas customers are billed monthly. The bill includes a monthly service charge, volume charges for gas used and applicable city utility tax. Gas usage is measured in Ccf which represents 100 cubic feet.