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Planning and Preservation Office
900 E. Broad St., Room 510
Richmond, VA 23219
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

City Center Innovation District Small Area Plan

The City Center Innovation District Small Area Plan was adopted by City Council on January 24th, 2022. Next step: implementation!

Implementation Big Moves

  1. Create an Innovation Zoning District - rezone City Center to align with the innovation vision by allowing mixed-uses including residential, ground floor activation, and unlimited height and density.
  2. Reduce the Municipal Footprint - redevelop city-owned properties that are vacant and explore options for renovating, replacing, or relocating city functions to reduce the municipal footprint in City Center so that the Innovation District may grow and City functions can operate more effectively in improved space.
  3. Expand Education Offerings - Develop a high tech high school and establish a Center City campus for higher education collaboration.

City Center Rezoning

The City Center Request for Interest (RFI) was released in November 2022.  Click HERE to learn more.

The RP District Amendments and City Center Rezoning ordinances were adopted at the September 26, 2022 City Council Meeting.  You can view the RP District Amendment ordinance HERE and the City Center Rezoning ordinance HERE.

On March 7, 2022, Richmond City Planning Commission passed Resolution 2022-023 to declare an intent to amend the official zoning map for the purpose of rezoning certain properties in the area generally north of East Broad Street, south and west of Interstate 64/95, and east of North Third Street in accordance with the Richmond 300 Master Plan.  The current zoning of City Center (see map below) is primarily CM, RP, RO-3, and B-4 and does not align with the vision described in the recently adopted City Center Innovation District Small Area Plan via the vision statement, illustrations, site plans, and future land use designations for City Center.

Current Zoning


Proposed Zoning

Proposed Zoning

Uses Table

A presentation was made to the City Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning on Monday, March 7th. Please visit the City's Legistar website to listen to a recording of the presentation.  An update to the City Center rezoning was provided to the City Planning Commission on Monday, April 18th that can be viewed here.  An additional presentation with revised recommendations was provided to the City Planning Commission on Monday, May 16th (viewed here).

Public Meetings

PDR invites you to attend two public, virtual meetings to give your feedback on the ideas for the rezoning: 

Meeting #1: Wednesday, April 13th at 6:00pm (Microsoft Teams)
In this meeting, staff will give a presentation about the vision for the City Center Innovation District and the potential ideas for rezoning. There will be a Q&A portion, and you will be able to give your feedback to staff.

Download April 13th Presentation PDF (6 MB)

Recording of April 13th Public Meeting

Phone Access: Call 804-316-9457 and when prompted, enter code 623 016 734# 

Video Access: Click here

Meeting #2: Wednesday, May 11th at 6:00pm (Microsoft Teams)
This meeting will present the feedback that staff received and the final rezoning plan for the Study Area.

Phone Access: Call 804-316-9457 and when prompted, enter code 604 474 043#  

Video Access: Click here

Download May 11th Presentation PDF (4 MB)

Recording of May 11th Public Meeting

Please contact Brian Mercer at or (804) 646-6704 with any questions or comments on this proposal.


City Center Study Area

In response to City Council Resolution 2020-R009, the Department of Planning and Development Review is creating a City Center Small Area Plan (formerly called the Coliseum Framework Plan), with the following objectives:

  1. Engage the Richmond community to identify the key elements that must be located in the primary study area and that shall be included in a future request for proposals (RFP)
  2. Set the stage for potential developers to feel excited about responding to another RFP by gaining general public consensus and thereby minimizing developer risk
  3. Develop a draft framework plan including street grid, public space, and development zone concepts that address the concerns and suggestions of the community and City staff. The framework may suggest potential programmatic ideas for key locations, if prudent, and will explore the potential of locating innovative activity generators as part of the redevelopment effort
  4. Incorporate the City Center Small Area Plan into the Richmond 300: A Guide for Growth master plan document 

PDR conducted two public meetings in June and July 2020 during the Richmond 300 planning process to obtain input from the community on the future of the Downtown and City Center Area. During the first meeting, consultants asked the community questions about what they'd want to see in the Coliseum area. During the second meeting, consultants shared 3 plan options for this area and received feedback. After interviewing stakeholders and learning the news of the Henrico Arena, City staff has been working to shape a new draft plan. The new plan will be shared during a virtual public meeting and also posted online in April for public comment.

Meeting 1: On June 15, 2020, PDR hosted a virtual meeting as a part of the Richmond 300 planning process to obtain input from the community on what they wanted to see in the Coliseum Area.

Watch a Recording of the Meeting

Review the Downtown section of the Master Plan

Review the Presentation from this meeting - Part 1 (4 MB) and Part 2 (5 MB)

Meeting 2: On July 14, 2020, PDR hosted a virtual meeting for the public to review 3 plan options and provide comments.

Watch a Recording of the Meeting

July 14 Meeting Presentation (8 MB)

Raw Survey Results (xls) (252 KB) - These responses are summarized in the July 14 presentation. The survey responses were collected from June 15 to June 29, 2020. The raw survey results Excel document includes the polling results received during the June 15 meeting and collected via Survey Monkey survey that was available June 16 to June 29. 

Meeting 3: PDR will host public meetings in April for the public to review the draft City Center Plan. Meeting dates and access information will be provided here.