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Monday - Friday 
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM 
Phone: (804) 646-5950 
Fax: (804) 646-7848 
2134 West Laburnum Avenue 
Richmond, Virginia 23227 
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P.O. Box 61037 
Richmond, Virginia 23261

A.I. / Misinformation

What is Generative A.I.?
▶ Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence technology that broadly describes machine learning systems capable of generating text, images, code or other types of content, often in response to a prompt entered by a user. This technology is also capable of producing fabricated videos, called deep fakes.
How Does it Work?
▶ Generative AI uses a computing process known as deep learning to analyze patterns in large sets of data and then replicates this to create new data that appears human-generated. The more data a model is trained on and generates, the more convincing and human-like its outputs becomes.
How Does this Affect Elections?
▶ AI could be used to manipulate the administration of elections by spreading misinformation to suppress voter turnout. For Example, AI technologies could easily be used to manufacture false evidence of misconduct like ballot tampering or shredding, which would not only erode public trust in the results of elections, but could also fuel additional public threats of violence against election administrators. Additionally, AI could be used to influence the voters’ perceptions of candidates, impacting election results.
What Should I Look Out For?
▶ While deep fakes and A.I. generated are not perfect, they are getting better every day. As fabricated images and videos become more difficult to spot, it is crucial to develop a system to identify what is real and what is A.I. generated. We recommend the SIFT model, created by research scientist Mike Caufield.
SIFT Method
  • STOP - Ask yourself whether you know the source of the information, and what the reputation of both the claim and the source is. Don't read or share media until you know what it is.
  • INVESTIGATE - Do your research and look into a source before engaging with its content. Knowing the expertise and agenda of the source is crucial to your interpretation of what they say.
  • FIND better coverage - Sometimes it is best to look directly into the claim made by the content that has reached you. Find another trusted source to confirm the claims before coming to any conclusions.
  • TRACE claims - By the time video, image, or text reaches you, it has generally been stripped of context. Do your due diligence and trace the claim back to the source to identify the context and get a better interpretation of the information you come across.
What is the Most Trusted Source of Information on Elections?
▶ For any information regarding elections in Richmond, refer to our website It is the most reliable source of information.
What Should I Look Out For?
▶ It is even more imperative for election workers to identify potentially A.I. generated content. Refer to the SIFT method to identify fabricated content.
How Do I Avoid Falling Victim to fabricated Messages and Announcements?
▶ To ensure quick responses to A.I. generated propaganda, come up with a rehearsed plan. This can include a code word to vet fake messages from real ones, establishing secure channels of communication, reporting suspicious behavior to the appropriate authority, etc. Staying prepared and communicating with fellow election workers is key.
How Do I report Misinformation/Disinformation?
▶ Reporting Process: