900 E. Broad Street
Richmond, VA
23219 USA
Hours: Mon - Fri (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
Phone No. 804-646-6430
Email: Ask Public Works
Grounds Management
Public Works' Grounds Management Division is responsible for all grass cutting and vegetation control in public rights of way and in public parks. If you see an area that requires our attention, please call City's Customer Care Center at 3-1-1.
Areas of Responsibility
- 68 schools/buildings
- 93 parks/playgrounds
- 172 medians/triangles
- 39 lane miles of roadside (right of way) vegetation
- 40 lane miles of vegetation
- 170 flower beds
- Snow removal at schools, ADA ramps, downtown, RMA
- Algae control Byrd Park, Bryant Park lakes
Cut Intervals
Total Acreage for the City - 1,975...
- The vegetation control period runs from March 15th through November 30th
- Cross-divisional collaboration is essential in meeting the direct and in-direct aspects of grounds management
- leaf, snow, graffiti and storm debris removals
- Mowing intervals based on priority and turf/grass type
- Type A, 118 locations: major medians - 14-day interval
- Type B, 125 locations: parks, gateways, athletic fields, government buildings - 14-day interval
- Type C, 46 locations: playgrounds, selected parks - 14-21 day interval
- Type D locations: roadside ditches (right-of-way) - 21-45 day interval
- Miscellaneous Additions: 17 Battery Park locations - 10 day interval
- All Richmond Public Schools
- More than 1,800 lane miles of roadways