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900 E. Broad Street
Richmond, VA
23219 USA

Hours: Mon - Fri (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

Phone No. 804-646-6430

Email: Ask Public Works


The City of Richmond’s Department of Public Works (DPW) is now making Pavement Condition Index Ratings (the PCI Rating) of every street within the city limits available to the public. The INTERACTIVE MAP will be updated as paving projects are completed. The PCI Rating is one of several tools the City of Richmond now uses to prioritize and track its paving program and other infrastructure work.

Each year DPW implements its paving program, which runs from April thru November.

Fiscal Year 2025 Paving Program Map

FY25 Paving Plan


  • Press Release for the Broad Street Gateway and Corridor Improvements Projects 


Three types of paving in the City of Richmond


When streets are resurfaced it is a two-step process.Slurry Paving

1.   Surface preparation to seal cracks and keep out water

  • Patching potholes, leveling uneven areas, applying an asphalt underlayment
  • During this process the road may be rough and unsightly for several weeks

2.   Slurry application

  • About 3-4 weeks following the preparation work
  • Emulsified asphalt is spread over the pavement to extend the life of the pavement and provide a smooth surface

Milling and Overlay

If the asphalt has reached the end of its life cycle, milling 1” to 2” of existing asphalt and placing a new surface is an option to extend the life of the pavement versus a total remove and replace.

Paving                                                            Paving

Heat Scarification


In addition to slurry, milling and paving, the city also uses a paving process called Heat Scarification. Due to the temperature of the heat involved, leaves will turn brown, as in the winter. The condition is not permanent. Please review this PRESENTATION for more information and to learn what you can expect when heat scarification is done in your neighborhood.