City of Richmond
Housing & Community Development
Main Street Station
1500 East Main Street, Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23219
About HCD
Should you need information or to discuss a matter with staff, please use their City of Richmond email address or leave a voice message at their respective telephone number. Click here for an updated directory.
The Department of Housing and Community Development's mission is to:
- Prevent homelessness and provide emergency housing and services to our most vulnerable residents;
- Provide a continuum of affordable rental and homeownership housing opportunities to our residents with limited incomes; and
- Revitalize our city's older neighborhoods into vibrant mixed-income, residential communities that are walkable to public transportation and commercial retail goods and services with community parks and facilities.
HCD works with our nonprofit and for-profit partners using its annual allocations of Federal Entitlement Funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which includes:
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG);
- Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME);
- Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program; and
- Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids (HOPWA).
HCD's Federal Entitlement Programs' 5-year geographic priority areas as listed in the city's 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan are:
- Hull Street - Swansboro Corridor
- Hull Street - Lower Corridor
- Richmond Highway - North
- Richmond Highway - South
- Highland Park
Adopted Plans:
Click here to learn more about our annual allocated federally-funded HUD programs.
The City also offered a Lead-based Hazard Control Program (LEAD) funded by HUD to control health hazards caused by lead-based paint used in housing built before 1978 where children under the age of six live or play or a pregnant woman may reside. The program was administered by the HCD department in partnership with the Richmond City Health District's (RCHD) Lead-Safe Healthy Homes Initiative (LSHHI) and ProjectHOMES, a local nonprofit. The program was a success but has now ended. Thank you to our community partners at Richmond Health District and project:Homes for working with us on this!
Additionally, the City funds an Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) that provides financial resources to create new affordable housing and housing-related services for households whose incomes are at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
Click here to learn more about our AHTF.
Click here to see the HUD FY 2021 Income Limits for the Richmond MSA.
Click here to see the HUD Fair Market Rents for the Richmond MSA.
Three new City programs that the department will be overseeing in the new FY21, starting on July 1, 2020, are:
- The Eviction Diversion Program (currently a Mayoral Initiative);
- The Affordable Housing Tax Rebate Program; and
- The Affordable Housing Tax Abatement Program.
We will be adding new information about these new programs shortly.
The HCD department will be undertaking a new initiative to surplus its underutilized properties appropriate for use as single-family and multi-family affordable housing.
Click here to access the Richmond Redevelopment Housing Authority website.
Click here to view the City's Fair Housing Policy in English.
Polìtica de la Ciudad de Richmond sobre la Equidad en la Vivienda: