As a primary recipient of Federal Funds HCD is required by federal mandate to post these draft documents for the public to view.
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As a primary recipient of Federal Funds HCD is required by federal mandate to post these draft documents for the public to view.
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In 2018, the City of Richmond contracted with Homeward, the planning and coordinating agency for homeless services in the Greater Richmond area, to create a strategic plan for addressing homelessness in the city. Now, Homeward is soliciting input to create a plan that reflects the needs and interests of the community.
To voice your opinion, take this survey: https://www.psychdata.com/s.asp?SID=186859
The survey will be available through August 29, 2019.
For more information, visit homewardva.org.
The Lynhaven Avenue Bridge over Broad Rock Creek is shutting down immediately as the city prepares to replace the 70 year old structure.
Funding for the new bridge, estimated at $1.1 million, is in place effective July 1, 2019 and the project is expected to be advertised for construction bids this coming fall with work commencing in the winter. The replacement bridge is scheduled to open before the fall of next year.
The bridge has a posted weight limit of three tons due to some deterioration. However, the continued violations by large commercial vehicles prompted the closing. The impact to motorists will be minimal, as only approximately 520 vehicles cross the bridge daily. Traffic detours will be implemented near the location.
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Please click here to view or download the FY 2020 Consolidated Annual Action Plan
Click here to access Mayor Levar Stoney's Community Office Hours presentation.